This is where you will find links to Artist Alley Studio Videos created By The GYPSY. From Tutorials to Vlogs we hope that you will enjoy our entertaining and informative videos.
In a world where physical access to art galleries might be limited for various reasons, the Artist Alley Studio Closer Look becomes a bridge, connecting art lovers with the captivating world of The GYPSY’s paintings. It’s an endeavor that celebrates art in its minutiae, making the invisible details visible and the silent stories audible in a realm where every brushstroke has a tale to tell.
The “Anatomy Of A Painting” series from Artist Alley Studio promises an intimate exploration into the creative process of The GYPSY, offering viewers a front-row seat to witness the birth of each artwork. This captivating video series goes beyond the finished canvas, taking enthusiasts on a deep dive into the intricate journey of artistic creation.
THE ARTIST LIFE – ARTIST ALLEY STUDIO VLOG #3: INTRO TO The GYPSY AND THE LAST GIANT EXPLAINED – The GYPSY In His First Live Stream. Also Includes The Story Behind His Painting, “The Last Giant”.
THE ARTIST LIFE – ARTIST VLOG #4: SEA LION WOMEN AND MERMAIDS DOING AUTOPSIES ON THINGS AS THE BAD ASS IN THE CORNER LOOKS ON – EXPLAINED The GYPSY describes the creative process that went into this intricate and detailed painting that pays homage to the sinking of the Titanic. He shares the back story that inspired him to start the painting and the trip that gave him the inspiration to complete it a year after it was started.
THE ARTIST LIFE – ARTIST ALLEY STUDIO VLOG #5: WHERE I STARTED, WHERE I AM AND WHERE I’M GOING – The GYPSY talks about his history and how he got started in his Body Art Career. He also shares a frank and open discussion about where his Tattoo and Piercing Career is today and where he hopes the road will lead to into the future.
THE ARTIST LIFE – ARTIST ALLEY STUDIO VLOG #6: FRITZ DURIEN’S HALL OF FAME WAREHOUSE – The GYPSY explains the inspiration for his watercolor painting; “Fritz Durien’s Hall Of Fame Warehouse”. What Carry Nation did to keep Kansas dry, Fritz Durien did to keep Kansas wet.
AAS TUTORIAL: CHRISTMAS CANDLE FREE ACRYLIC PAINTING TUTORIAL – PLEASE NOTE: There were several glitches while recording this video series. Because of the problems Christmas Candle Acrylic Painting Tutorial will remain up for FREE indefinitely here, on Facebook @ArtOfTheGYPSY and on our tutorial website at
AAS TUTORIAL: WHITBY ABBEY CEMETERY PART ONE – PLEASE NOTE: There were several glitches while recording part one and part two of this video series. Because of the problems in both videos Part One and Part Two of the Whitby Abbey Cemetery Oil Painting Tutorial will remain up for FREE indefinitely here, on Facebook @ArtOfTheGYPSY and on our website at Whitby Abbey Cemetery which is an Oil Painting based on a photo of the Whitby Abbey Saint Mary The Virgin Cemetery in Whitby, Yorkshire England.
AAS TUTORIAL: WHITBY ABBEY CEMETERY PART TWO – PLEASE NOTE: There were several glitches while recording part one and part two of this video series. Because of the problems in both videos Part One and Part Two of the Whitby Abbey Cemetery Oil Painting Tutorial will remain up for FREE indefinitely here, on Facebook @ArtOfTheGYPSY and on our website at Whitby Abbey Cemetery which is an Oil Painting based on a photo of the Whitby Abbey Saint Mary The Virgin Cemetery in Whitby, Yorkshire England.
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Here you will find links to Artist Alley Studio Videos. From Tutorials to Vlogs we hope that you will enjoy our entertaining and informative videos.